Funny story
A friend of mine was telling a funny story which happen to him in while he was staying in US.
After dinner while walking back to his house with his gf, he has a sudden urge to use the toilet badly to poo. So he had to squeeze his butt together and walk as fast as he could. Couldn’t take too big of a step in case the shit fell out There were no nearby public toilets and after walking for some distance, he saw a restaurant. He was so relief and started to relax his butt muscles . But when he bang open the door a woman was inside. So he quickly tighten his butt muscles and ran out with the woman shouting behind him.
So he tot he could quickly run home and finished his unfinished business. However, he need to cross a traffic light to get home and unfortunately it was red. Nevertheless, he braved the traffic and almost got himself banged. The moment he reaches to the other side, his ‘sai’ came out. So what the heck, he just stood there and let all the ‘sai’ come out. Imagine all the poo trickling down his pants. So he started running until he came to an alley and he dropped his trousers, removed his underpants, throw the underpants at the side of the building, wore his pants and continue running home.
His gf decided to hunt for his soiled underpants and when she found it, she was to gross to pick it up as the underpants had too much blob on it.